Wednesday 19 April 2017

Event Marketing for Dentists In 3 Easy Steps!

If you have ever wanted to use a fun (and easy) system for adding new patients to your dental practice fast, then read this short article right now.

That's because it explains exactly what Event marketing is.
And how you can put it into action right now, making sure you get all the new patients you want.

3 Steps To Event Based Dental Marketing:

Step #1: Choose An Event!

Each and every month there are tons of events taking place right under your nose.
For example:

In the month of March (which is when I'm writing this article) there is St. Patrick's Day... The Bachelor season finale... College Basketball March Madness kick-off... Maple Syrup Saturday... National Common Courtesy Day...
...and a million more ongoing events.

Now, you may not see the way you can use something like this in your practice, and in a moment I'll explain that in detail.

For now, all you need to do is choose an upcoming event.

And I'll show you how to piggyback off-it, to promote your Upcoming dental events.
And remember, the more bizarre the event, the better.

For example:

It just so happens that Saturday March 19th is a day that celebrates Maple Syrup.
And it's called - Maple Syrup Saturday.

Now, this is a great event that can be tied to your dental practice. Let's take a look at how you could promote this event to garner some free publicity.

Step #2: Promote Your Event!

To get started, you could write a headline that said something like this:
Dentist Says Ingredients In Maple Syrup Build Strong Teeth!
And then you could say that Maple Syrup contains Calcium, Zinc and Manganese, all which have been shown to promote healthy teeth and bones.

This is true. And it happens to be a fact few people know about maple syrup.
Next, you could say that on March 19th (to celebrate Maple Syrup Saturday) you are holding a one-time only event at your dental practice where all participants get a FREE oral screening and a T-shirt.
Or something like this.

Look, there are plenty of other events that are all great candidates.
Simply choose one, and you'll be off to the races.

Step #3: Send It To Local Media Contacts!

A big part of promoting this event is to send a press release to your local media which gives them a chance to plug your event.

Will this always work?
No it won't. But more often than not, it will get you a blurb in your paper which is better than nothing.

And if you tie your event to a "good cause" like a charity, then the chances of your event getting coverage jump exponentially.

So to repeat:

1. Choose An Event.

2. Promote Your Event.

3. Get Local Media Involved.

If you stay consistent with these three steps, you'll be on your way to becoming an Event Marketing expert.

What's Paris Hilton, Great White Sharks and Doping Cyclists have in common? And how in the world can these three "odd" topics help you become a dental marketing expert? To get your answer, get on over to And sign up for my 7-step short course on marketing.

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Wednesday 12 April 2017

A dental consultation is the initial visit that a patient makes to a dentist to explore care options. This first appointment helps the patient, as well as the doctor, to understand potential next steps after reviewing the patient's medical and dental history. The dentist will discuss patient goals, extra procedures and additional treatments. The patient can then determine his/her next steps after carefully considering all the information provided by the dentist.

To prepare for your Free dental consultation, you should assemble all of the pertinent information you will need in order to make the best use of your time. Your medical history is important to know in significant detail. Your dentist will certainly want to know of any medications you may be taking prior to your consultation, so he or she can make recommendations with this knowledge in mind. Also be sure to alert your dentist to any allergies you have, particularly with respect to medication. Be sure to write out your medical history on the documented form or to explain any additional concerns you have with your dentist prior to the consultation.

 It is also important to have some knowledge of your family's medical history; if your family has a history of high blood pressure, for example, your dentist will want to know this in order to avoid prescribing medications that could exacerbate that condition.

You should also be sure to discuss your treatment goals with your dentist at this time. It is extremely important that the dentist is aware of your priorities. After all, not every patient's goal is the same, and your dentist won't know what your goals are unless you explain them. Do you simply want to make sure your teeth are healthy and pain-free? Or are you in search of a more complex procedure, such as whitening or receiving dental implants? Consider doing some preliminary research on specific procedures, alternatives and costs before your appointment so that your questions may be more specific, and therefore more helpful to your dentist and you.

It is also important to bring your insurance information with you, if you have such coverage. Providing your dentist's office with the most accurate insurance information will help you to receive the most accurate estimated payment possible for any future procedures that the dentist may recommend. While it's not always possible for medical providers to give you an exact figure, being as prepared as possible is an important step to ensure you don't experience any unpleasant surprises when the bill comes.

Remember, your dental consultation involves no specific procedure, but simply consists of receiving a doctor's advice on the right treatment based on your health and priorities. You should expect to walk out of your dental consultation with a plan in mind to keep your teeth as healthy as possible, whether that involves simply continuing to brush & floss, or perhaps undertaking a more involved procedure that you can discuss with your dentist. It is important to feel comfortable, knowledgeable and prepared for your next steps, whatever they may be.

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